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They Want To Murder Transgender People

Left to right: Jeremy Boreing, Micheal Knowles, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens,Matthew Walsh

Gonna keep this one short and to the point.

The Republican party of the United States is a political party that runs solely on wedge issues. As in, most of their voter base shows up to the voting booth once every 4 years to vote for one reason. Be it gun rights, education, healthcare or owning the libs, conservative voters in the United States aren't very well known for being the demographic of educated, good faith decision makers so much as they're known for being an easy target for reactionaries who spin up culture war talking points in order to fuel the eternal tire fire that is the ethereal fear white American conservatives have of......well, everything.

One of those historical wedge issues has always been abortion.

Well, the conservative leaning supreme court has eliminated that. It is no more. Due to this, majority Republican states can finally live out their dream of persecuting women who don't want to be a brood mare for the state. Some of these states are going so far as to attempt extradition of women who travel to abortion-safe states to have the procedure done. They are able to subpoena social media data from companies like Meta (Facebook) in order to track down and establish timelines of pregnant women who sought out abortion in other states. Women across the country are in fear of the data they input into period tracking apps being used for the same reason.

The Republican party in America has fully embraced fascism, and their success in sand-bagging the supreme court in order to forward aspects of that agenda, such as removing women's personal agency, has been a rousing success in red states.

What does this have to do with murdering transgender people? Glad you asked.

Political wedge issues are hammered on by politicians for a reason. They understand, better than anyone, that single issue voters can be the difference between the failure and success of a political campaign. So what happens when the single issue that was being used to drive voter turnout isn't an issue anymore?

Well, you re-focus. Change the optics. Find a new bad guy. There's always a new bad guy out there looking to take advantage of you, and your kids, and your community. Who is it? How do you find out who and what you're supposed to be mad about? After all, abortion is now illegal. But thats not enough. It's never enough. Who's trying to hurt me now?

Lets ask The Daily Wire:

Micheal Knowles at CPAC 2023: “For the good of society … transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.”

Ben Shapiro: “And they are incorrect. I am saying biologically, they are incorrect”

Candace Owens: “...Wear your dress and you can paint your nails. But I’d prefer you keeping 100 feet away from a playground and all of the feet away from my children and me.” she said. " If I see you, I’m going to cross the street if I’m with my kids.”

Jeremy Boeing: "They've hired a biological male to be the spokesperson for their Women's Day campaign," said Boreing. "And they're calling that campaign, and I swear I'm not making this up, 'Her-She.'"

Matthew Walsh: “The answer is no. No one is beyond it because we’re human beings and there are two options, male and female, and nobody exists beyond that.”

Unequivocally, the new ethereal enemy of the far right has been identified, and they are locked and loaded. You don't have too look much further than their insistence on the illegitimacy of real people, contrasted with historical events that are preceded by the ideology that there are right people, and wrong people. Legal people and illegal people.

Ask yourself: if this party is willing to chase women across state borders to persecute them for the abortion of a clump of cells that isn't even a person yet, what do you think they're going to do to living, breathing people that they don't consider to be human?

What do you think the end goal is, of a Republican affiliated talking head, when he refers to the "eradication of transgenderism"?

You know what he means. It means he wants them dead.

A party that doesn't unequivocally dismiss this logic is complacent in it. Full stop.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller

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