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The Israeli Genocide of Palestine is Ongoing with No End in Sight

Getty Images picture I ripped from another article because I'm lazy today

Must be frustrating that groceries are expensive and gas is expensive and rent is expensive and everything costs so much goddamn money these days that the average persons mental bandwidth for absorbing and recognizing who the United States government is giving their tax money too, and what those people are doing with that money, is something Americans are simply too burnt out to really sit down and come to terms with. Either that or they're brain has just been eaten by the Rogan Rot. Or they're just sociopaths. Or they actually enjoy seeing their tax dollars be used to relentlessly bomb children. So, sociopaths. Or they're too worried about trans people using public bathrooms, or the imaginary invasion at the border (it's just the invasion of feelings of inadequacy), or whatever other psychotic bullshit the dumbest people you went to high school with pretend is "doing politics".

Almost like capitalism is designed to make you only care about yourself.


The state of Israel, a proxy state of the United States, that exists as an ethno-religious apartheid nation seeking to establish a Jewish homeland through archaic means of brutality and ethnic cleansing, is continuing to do the kind of stuff that an ethno-religious apartheid nation seeking to establish a homeland through brutality and ethnic cleansing would do.

I'm not going through all the bullshit again about the difference between Zionists and Jews and how average people have fuck-all to do with this so I'm just gonna put this here and you can catch yourself up.

All I could really add that isn't included in that link is the reason why the US gives such staunch financial and political support to Israel, which is that having an ally in that region is strategically beneficial for military industrial complex reasons (world conquest, ideological expansion, it pisses off Russia and Iran). Stuff like that. It's not for any reason that actually benefits Cheryl who works as a dental assistant in Cincinnati. Hamas is not a threat to little Bradleigh in the same way that a basement dwelling incel living down the street from a gun store is, so Israels pontification and emotional manipulation of Americans in regards to threats from the middle east is literally just propaganda. It's not even good propaganda, but Americans are largely fucking stupid and selfish so it happens to work.

Israels Genocide as of 2/28/24

Death toll of non-combatant Palestinian civilians (woman and children): Approximately 30,000.

Israel has murdered 94 journalists as of 2.24.24.

What is Joe Biden, the current elected Democratic president of the United States, a man who was elected for his supposed capacity for empathy, doing you ask?

Capitulating. Giving in. Bypassing congressional votes to send more weapons to the Israelies. Sitting down with Benjamin Netanyahu and wagging his finger, the same way you would punish a dog for pissing on the kitchen floor. Making excuses, most likely calling for a ceasefire recently for no other reason than it is simply an election year and he understands that there are probably groups of people out there who aren't super stoked about financing an ethnic cleansing in a region of the world that is already unbelievably unstable. Not that the word "ceasefire" can even be applied here, as the Hague judges essentially refused to call it that because by definition, a ceasefire involves two warring parties, and this is not that. This is a slaughter on the American taxpayers dime.

By all accounts, it would appear that Joe Biden is utterly complicit in this genocide. There really is no other way to frame it. What, in gods name, could Israel possibly be offering the United States that makes it worth ignoring a blatant, out in the open, broad daylight mass murder of innocent civilians? There could be several different explanations, but none of them include the alliance of Israel and the United States as a net good for either Israelies or Americans, and absolutely definitely not Palestinians, or the rest of the middle east. Those kinds of benefits could really only be personal, like Israeli lobbying groups having spent so much time and money influencing US politicians that they've dug out a pocket of empathy from elected officials old enough to actually remember the goddamn holocaust.

Which would make sense when you consider that asking any boomer about this "conflict" is immediately met with a diatribe about how complex and historically muddy the region is as a whole, and that has nothing to do with America or Israel, and that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as well as the larger Arab/Israeli conflict as a whole is just too complex for the average American to really sit down and understand.

Boomers were literally told, by Israel: "you are too stupid to understand why you support Israel" and they just went "yeah, alright, makes sense. I promise to never think about it."

And it just.....worked. It still works. I had someone over 60 tell me this exact same reason why they don't bother learning anything about the Middle East like a freaking week ago. The far right Israelis really did a number on them.

So, yeah. That's where we're at with Israel. I can't afford to live because Palestinian children are too busy counting bombs in the sky that have my initials on them. Obviously thats an oversimplification, but you already know that.

God, what an awful fucking time to have a conscious.

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