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  • shoktek93

Roe is dead, and they're just getting started.

See this picture?

These people control your lives now.

More specifically: Samuel Allito, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Amy Comy Barret.

Why just them? Why not the others?

Well, because 5 is more than 4. That's about it.

The 5 that voted to take away bodily autonomy for every single woman in the entire United States of America were all appointed by Republicans.

2 appointed by Bush. 3 Appointed by Trump.

Just in case you were wondering how concerned Republicans were with "freedom".

Well, not freedom for you. Freedom to tell you what to do, and the freedom from being told what to do, by you. So that's how this cookie is going to crumble. You have to listen to them because they know whats best for you, and you can't ever tell them anything.

Perfectly balanced, as all religious theocracies tend to be.

What's that?

You didn't lose any freedoms?

The state gets to make decisions about abortion now? So it's not such a big deal because it's not like they eliminated choice, they just left those choices up to the states, so actually, nothings wrong?

(These are real arguments I've seen on social media already)

You want the state to decide your bodily autonomy? You want politicians to decide what to do with your body?

So instead of a private conversation between you and a doctor, you'd prefer politicians to decide whether or not an abortion will kill you?

Ok, cool, cool.

Remind me again about how strongly you feel about "the government not influencing your decisions".

Tell me all about it.

While your working yourself up explaining how the elimination of Roe isn't a big deal, and how people are overreacting, and how they were simply righting a wrong, go ahead and feast your eyes on this:


Roe V Wade is just the beginning.

They are coming for everything and anything that doesn't adhere to their religion.

They will dissolve same sex marriage.

They will outlaw birth control.

Don't believe me? Well, people didn't believe me when I told them they'd repeal Roe, either.

So I frankly don't give a fuck if anyone believes me anymore. You're problem now.

Take notes. Pay attention. Get a grip.

These religious theocrats are hell bent on taking away every right you've ever had.

My solution?


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