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Kate Cox and the Window into Republican America

This will be short, due to telling myself I was gonna take a break from politics this month because 2024 is going to be the stupidest year in America by a country mile, and I wanted to attempt to live for 30 days without an existential crisis, but I guess some things don't work out the way you wanted them too.

If you're like me, you may have found yourself distracted by the international goings on of warring countries and ideologies on the other side of the world. As serious and influential the outcomes of those wars and conflicts could be, there's a woman named Kate Cox whose currently living in a world that doesn't yet exist as a reality for all women, but all women could soon find themselves living in Kate Coxs world.

Remember in 2022 when Roe v Wade was repealed? That never got fixed. The states that wanted to ban abortion, banned abortion. The states that didn't, didn't. This created political tension between states regarding citizens attempting to leave state A to go to state B in order to get an abortion. It also gave us these nifty little colored graphs where you can click on a state and find out if you have any rights in it.

Thank you Wall Street Journal, very cool.

For the record, I don't argue about abortion. If you think you can tell another person what to do with their own body, then I have a right to tell you that you don't need glasses, or hearing-aids, or to be wearing that stupid toupe that everyone can tell is a toupe, you aren't fooling anyone, you idiot.

A fetus is not a human being. A pregnant woman is. It is ludicrous and inhuman to argue otherwise.

Fucking awful, right? Yeah, I said the same thing.

Don't worry, it gets worse.

Because an elected gaggle of high-waist pants wearing geriatric methane balloons with the skin complexion of printer paper, otherwise known as Texas Representatives, have decided that Ms Kate Coxs personal tragedy of carrying an un-viable pregnancy is also somehow a matter that concerns them and the state of Texas. Where do they get the right to turn a womans bad circumstances into a political rallying cry? The supreme court gave them the right by repealing Roe.

As much as Roe was important for bodily autonomy, it was also equally as important for keeping the government from affecting your health. Ya know, the thing Republicans claim to care about. Remember that?

Elections have consequences.

The gritty legal details of Ms Cox's adventure attempting to survive in a proxy state of Republicanistan can be found almost anywhere at this point (I'm sure she's very excited about that), so I'm not breaking down the lawyer arguments or court decisions or retractions of those decisions because I already have a headache.

The short and sweet point here is this: The Republican party of the United States has been lying about reducing government influence in your life. Whenever the concept of "small government" is mentioned by modern Republicans, all they mean is that they want to reduce the tax burdens of multi-billion dollar corporations, and that is all they mean. That is all they will ever mean.

In looking at modern Republicans, it's clear that they will say absolutely anything they can, in order to get as much support as they can muster, to be able to control the bodily decisions of every woman in America regarding pregnancy. Not just pregant women, but immigrants, liberals, colored people, basically anybody that isn't a straight white military aged male.

All you have to do is look at Trump to see what Republicans will tolerate to get what they want.

Republicans want authoritarian rule. Full control of your choices. Their actions whisper while they scream on Fox News about litter boxes in schools and the existence of transgender people.

Don't believe me? That's fine.

I'm not saying anything that needs to be "believed" in any existential sense.

The proof exists in Kate Cox.

"Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."

-George Carlin

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