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  • shoktek93

Israeli War Crime Bingo / Project 2025

Above is an image captured by an Israeli drone of Palestinian refugees storming an aid truck carrying flour.

Yeah, just flour. Starving people getting bombed get flour. That should get them through this.

What's worse, is that not only is this one of very few aid trucks that actually make it through Israels patently absurd convoy checkpoints, the resources in Rafah are so scarce and the logistics of distributing the UN aid on the verge of impossible, that about the only way the flour makes it from the aid trucks to refugees hands is by out of control mobs of desperate, starving and sick people fighting for their lives.

What's even worse than that, you ask? Approximately 104 people in the above image are now dead. According to Israel, the Palestinians who have been pushed out of their homes at gun point, forced to walk hundreds of miles south with no food, water or medicine under the constant threat of American bombs displacing the ground beneath them at any given moment just weren't being cordial and orderly enough when the trucks full of United Nations donated aid arrived in the war zone they were forced into. Israel blamed impatient and frankly rude Palestinians for not forming a proper queue like civilized adults in order to obtain their monthly rationing of a single handful of flour.

I mean, literally. That's what Israel said. Stampedes and impatience killed those people.

To sum up this quick update on Genocide of Palestine sponsored by Raid Shado......America, Israel allowed in targeted aid trucks for the specific purpose of creating stampedes towards them so that the IDF could pretend they were American cops, claim they felt threatened, then fire wildly into a crowd with reckless abandon.

Israel is playing war crime blackout bingo on Americas dime.

Moving on.

Trump is a fossilized vessel for so much worse

Think Trump is bad?

I mean, he is.

He sucks, genuinely. Not entirely sure there's any riffing I could do here that hasn't been done a million times already, though. Every single joke about that dude has been made, I don't think there's any left. Not that it stops brunch liberals from making everyones eyes roll at the breakfast table whenever they mention how they think he's just so uncouth, so misogynistic and evil and mean and the myriad of other surface level complaining about that asshole that we've all heard a million times before and frankly serves no other purpose than to keep his tangerine spray tanned face fresh in everyones minds.

I mean, seriously. Trump jokes are the lowest hanging fruit. Anyone with 1 single functioning brain cell can tell the guy is utterly fucking tapped. What's even more frustrating is liberals sheer inability to understand why he even stands a chance in November. (Hint, the repetitive Trump jokes aren't helping, politics isn't elementary school drama). It's the same lesson they always want the media to learn about Trump, but refuse to learn themselves.

Any publicity is good publicity. The media didn't hate Trump, they loved ragging on him. They loved ragging on him because it created record viewership from brunch liberals who think that news anchors making fun of Trump is some version of societal punishment, when all that's happening is his original campaign teams method of spreading his message has gone completely unchanged. It still works. Trump simply being an insane person is his political strategy for re-gaining power, yet nobody can seem to understand why anyone would want to vote for such an idiot, when explicitly voting for a loud idiot seems to be the republican form of protest against whatever they happen to be mad about today.

Every time you tell a current Trump supporter that they are an idiot for liking Trump, it galvanizes them further.

It's's fucking infuriating. Some of ya'll should know better at this point.

By knowing better, I mean this: stop paying attention to Donald Trump. Stop shitting on him, stop writing bad jokes, stop pontificating about how much better the moral fabric of America is, just stop. Forget the dude. He can't remember his fucking name. We are way past Trump at this point. That ship has sailed.

If Trump wins in November, Trump will be the absolute least of anyones concerns.

The real threat comes from groups like the Heritage Foundation, who are determined to turn America into a Christian Nation by 2025, and all the fun stuff that comes along with Constitutional Purity and Religious Nationalism.

Think separation of church and state is a good thing? These people don't.

Bodily autonomy for women? Not anymore.

Religious autonomy? Nope.

Deputized citizens? You bet your ass you're getting that.

Slavery? I mean, why not. They might as well just bring that back too.

Fuck it, right? The original US constitution didn't even mention women or black people, and that's the document that this organization wants to reference in order to create a plan for the future.

Strap in boys and girls. Load up your favorite jokes about dementia and spray tans, you're gonna need them to pass the time while you're being loaded up in the trains for getting along with a gay person, renting to a black guy, and aborting that mistake you made after a few too many cocktails with a friend.

Land of the free, indeed.

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