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Israel Bombing Rafah / Tucker Carlson is a Little Piss Baby

This one will mostly be on Tuckers little excursion into Russia during an election year, but I wanted to plug a quick update on the situation in Israel as it is, as predicted by basically anyone with functioning eyes, getting much worse, very quickly.

See that little dot down there right in front of Egypt labeled as Rafah?

That location is a whopping 25 miles in size. Just, overall. In any direction. For comparison, the Vegas Strip is 4.2 miles. So Rafah is essentially a little over 5 Vegas strips in size. (Excuse my ridiculous measurement metrics I am American and stupid).

Ever since being forced out of their homes after the events of October 7th and told to migrate south with no food, water or assisting infrastructure, over a million people have found themselves in Rafah, with nowhere else to go. It's difficult to imagine a million plus people in a 25 square mile radius. It's even more difficult to imagine those people being bombed relentlessly by the Israeli government using American armament, but we don't have to imagine because it's currently happening.

So, just to keep tabs on the situation here: Israel tells all citizens in Gaza to migrate south. They do that. On foot. With no food, water, or medicine. While planes fly overhead and drop bombs, and IDF soldiers armed with American tax dollars fire at them with reckless abandon.

Once in the southern region of Gaza, where they were instructed to go, they continue to face reckless bombing and threats from the Israeli government to cast out over a million people into the Sinai desert.

I've said it before, I'll keep saying it, it cannot be stated enough times:

Israel is committing an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the Gaza strip. They are using American tax dollars in the form of pre-purchased bombs, guns and bullets in order to carry out this ethnic cleansing. This decade will be marked by Israels actions in the same way that the 1940's are remembered for the Holocaust.

If you ever wondered what you would have done during the Holocaust, you are doing it right now.

So that's the update on Israel. I go to work to buy bombs that kill Palestinian kids.

Moving on.

Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson is a Little Piss Baby

Ah, Tucker.

Saying his full name out loud just feels like an insult to him personally.

The whitest guy that has ever existed. His full name requires sunglasses to read. He's the human version of those white spots you see when you stare at the sun too long. Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson is the whitest, most yuppy ass, Ivy League, sweater vest, button up shirt and boat shoes ass name I have ever heard in my entire life. Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson makes mayonnaise sound hot. The Bic Corporation uses color panels for their White-Out that is based on Tuckers sheer, soul piercing lack of melanin. As Jon Oliver so succinctly put it, he is a "human boat shoe".

I could literally sit here for the rest of my life and come up with ways to make fun of Tucker. He has the aesthetics and personality of a Q-tip. He probably jerks off to excel spreadsheets detailing black on black crime. He's five Ben Shapiros wearing a trench coat. If a gallon of milk was a personality, he would be the archetype. His facial expressions look like someone who just caught their roommate pissing into an exotic fish tank. He is the human version of cutting your hair using a salad bowl. He can't actually produce children, he is only capable of molting fetal organisms from his body that writhe on the ground until they devolve into Hitler particles that are capable of spreading through cable television.

I hate this timeline.

And I digress.

Even though I don't want to, because I could do this all day. That being said, as much fun as it is to make fun of Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson and his similarities to the joy and excitement of the existence of manila envelopes, this actual fucking turbo-loser and professional incel is a really big problem when it comes to the discourse inside American politics.

I'm sure you, the reader, know plenty of people who think this abject propagandist is an example of journalistic integrity. He has spent his career playing pretend journalism, contextualizing complex subjects as unreasonably complex, and framing almost every story he has ever "reported" on in a way that forces the viewer to feel victimized by "the other", whether they be the Hollywood elite, or the homeless, or immigrants, or your next door neighbor that you think is a communist now because they said healthcare is a human right one time. Tuckers version of critical thinking is a contagious virus infecting the minds of the dumbest people you went to high school with. His presentation of bad ideas through the context of framing every statement in the form of a question convinces your local idiots that they, themselves, have had a massive revelation: their lives suck because of other people. Brown people. Illegal people. Liberals. Government. Obama. Hillary.

Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson is a vector that converts your ordinarily tame family members into the ones you don't want to invite to Thanksgiving anymore because they just won't shut the fuck up about the border, or trans people, or some other ridiculous grievance they otherwise wouldn't have known about if they weren't immobile in front of a TV for a living. It's not just your isolated family members either, Tucker lives rent-free in the minds of dive bar flies and Rogan inspired pseudo-intellectuals all the same. People who genuinely believe that ol' Tucky isn't like those dirty main stream media demons trying to poison their minds with wokeness. He's "getting the opinion of the other side". If only someone had interviewed Hitler and gotten his opinion on the invasion of Poland, that then the public would have been able to digest all sides of the conflict, and come to a truly objective conclusion that maybe Hitler and the Nazis had a good reason at the time, even if history didn't reflect that.

Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson is not a journalist. He is a propagandizer. A hack. A polarizer. He has no integrity, he has no values, he has no morals, he has no ethics. He will carry the water of anyone and anything keeping him afloat of his reputation and lifestyle. He's also unironically just a fascist and likes fascist leaders.

So it is absolutely not surprising at all, even a little bit, that he landed an interview with Vladimir Putin.

Isn't interviewing Putin a good thing? I mean, yeah. It's not inherently a bad thing, but an interview has to be exactly that: an actual interview. Sitting down with a man as powerful and dangerous as Vladimir Putin comes with certain responsibilities. Like, asking him difficult questions. Questions like "Why do you kill your political opposition" or "why does the Kremlin murder so many journalists". Questions that Putin will not want to answer, which is the entire point of interviewing a difficult and dangerous subject. Ya know, the entire reason journalism exists: to question and challenge existing authority figures and the systems they influence.

Western journalists would love to interview Putin. The Kremlin gets constant requests for interviews with dear leader, and they are constantly denied. This happens because the Kremlin at large will not appear on camera in any way that isn't immediately favorable to them. As stated before, any actual journalism in Russia is typically met with a pat on the back with 4 bullets at the bottom of an elevator shaft. Bearing this in mind, you have to wonder how Tucker used his reputation for "real journalism" to get a face to face interview with one of the most dangerous men in the world.

Hint: he didn't, it's not a real interview, Tucker is a hack, and Putin literally made fun of him to his face multiple times.

How does Ol' Tucky respond to being humiliated by the leader of Russia? Why, he goes to the grocery store and films himself bragging about how much better Russian grocery stores are than American grocery stores. Or, something. I genuinely have no idea what he thought he was accomplishing by filming this, but apparently he was completely radicalized against America after visiting one grocery store in Russia. I guess him and his team anticipated that the bill was going to be much higher than it actually was. He conveniently left out the median wage in Russia being less than the cost of living , but hey, it was probably an honest mistake. Simple journalistic oversight that he will soon correct, since he's an actual real life journalist, and not a literal dictator piss drinker.

I did not have Tucker Carlson becoming radicalized for a communist state on my 2024 bingo card but what the fuck ever I guess. Here he is excited about bread for some reason. I knew this year was going to be stupid but holy fucking shit guys, jesus christ.

Anyways, Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson is a little piss baby that let Vladimir Putin put a dog leash on him on live television. He then put on a button up shirt and proceeded to have multiple orgasms inside a communist grocery store.

This is the news now.

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