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  • shoktek93

Israel does not have a right to exist.

If you aren't keeping up with this travesty because you value your mental health and would like some context, I've written about this conflict multiple times already which are on my home page, or you could just spend like an hour on Wikipedia radicalizing yourself against the US military industrial complex. Or don't, whatever.

I'm going to say it again: Israel does not have a right to exist.

Just to clarify this position here, I'm not saying that the Jewish faith doesn't deserve it's own homeland somewhere in the world. Judaism is a global religion spanning hundreds of ethnicities and hundreds of millions of people, people that have been chased all around Europe for thousands of years before the Holocaust, and by every definition are an ethnic minority. The concept of Judaism having a home country is perfectly acceptable in theory. The average Jewish person is not a psychotic zionist, they're just some person that works an ordinary job somewhere and opens their phone to see murderous lunatics exploiting their religion to justify the existence of a country that the ordinary Jewish person in question doesn't live in, and its existence has no effect on their immediate material conditions.

Israel, though? No. Israel does not have a right to exist as the homeland for the Jewish faith. Well, I mean, it could, but in order for that to happen, the country would have to change so fundamentally in its actions that it might as well be called a different name anyways.

Israel is not a homeland for the Jewish people. Israel is a brutal, violent apartheid ethno-state that has spent the last 75 year eroding the rights and material conditions of Palestine, masquerading as a homeland for the Jewish state.

See, not too long ago, there was a big fat war. The second one, actually. The entire point of this war was that no country is allowed to become a religious ethno-state. During this war, the Nazis converted Germany into a gigantic Jew Crushing Machine that operates off the cope of ordinary German citizens who walked to work every day pretending they couldn't smell burning flesh because they fully believed that Jewish people taking over Germany would somehow create something worse than literal people melting factories.

Propaganda is pretty powerful.

So the Nazis convinced ordinary Germans that the Jews were so terrible that it was actually completely fine and ok to build gigantic furnaces to cook them in, and honestly they probably would have gotten away with it for much longer if they didn't try to run into other countries to find more Jews to kill, effectively expanding their operation from a conversion of Germany to an Aryan state to a multi-regional conflict that pissed off so many countries that Robert J. Oppenheimer was paid to make a bomb so big that it started the nuclear arms race.

As overused as the references are, Nazi Germany is histories most obvious example of the worlds tolerance for states that think they will reach their full potential right after doing an ethnic cleansing of undesirables. The Nazis were convinced of their genetic superiority, and that once they cleansed the world of Jews, everyone would realize that eugenics and Nazism were the dominant species and ideology, making Germany into a global superpower. The Nazis exploited Judaism in order to kill people and attempt to seize land in order to concentrate power.

A tale as old as time.

Israel is no different. Right now, they are attempting to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians through various means including starvation, disease, neglect and outright bombing campaigns wrought by American manufactured F-35's.(Thanks Joe Biden) They are doing this because they claim the Palestinian people to be genetically inferior to Israelies, and that once Israel kills off all the Palestinians, then the world will recognize the superiority of Judaism and Israeli state as genetically and ideologically superior.

Time is a flat circle. We don't evolve. We just do the same shit over and over, but with email now.

Israeli Escalation of Violence

If the last 6 months of relentless dumb bombings, stories of IDF snipers killing elderly people and children, hospitals and schools being leveled by American made precision guided missiles, and the UN projections for deaths to come from starvation and disease due to a complete blockade of food and water by the Israeli citizens and satelitte imagery proving that over 60% of civilian housing structures in Gaza are completely destroyed wasn't enough for you to move the moral needle on the ethnics of proportionality in a "conflict", well Israel has served up plenty more crimes against humanity in the past couple of weeks to assuage any concern you may have had that maybe, anyone in Netanyahus cabinet suddenly grew a conscience.

By all accounts, striking a non-military target in a country that is not directly involved in your current conflict, is an escalation with the intent of starting a fight with a lot more than Palestinian civilians. It's being theorized currently that one of the reasons Joe Biden keeps giving Israel armament in the face of this open genocide is because Israel is currently waging a shadow-war against Iranian proxies like Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas, and several other Iranian backed resistance groups that have proven to be a big headache for the United States and Israel. Republicans and the general neo-cons/libs of the US government have wanted a fight with Iran for decades, it would seem that the lives of Palestinian children are a worthy sacrifice in forwarding such a war, allowing the IDF to act as ground soldiers using US armament to fight our battles for us, similar to arming Ukraine.

The difference being that arming Ukraine so they can fight for their sovereignty against a dictatorial power is a moral good, and arming the IDF so they can murder children to create Big Israel because it's a net good for US geo-political interests is a moral cluster-fucking disaster. If the US had any moral consistency, Palestine would currently have enough arms to be considered an army to fight against, rather than what it actually is: civilian slaughter.

Think Israel stopped there? Oh no. It gets so much better (worse)

The World Central Kitchen Strikes

I work in kitchens. I have for a long time. Everyone I love works in kitchens. Feeding people is an objective moral good. There is no circumstance where cooks will arrive at a situation with their equipment where they have any other intention than feeding people who are hungry. Cooks who do work for humanitarian agencies on the ground in brutal conflict zones are salient examples of what humanity does best: helping those who cant help themselves.

So, this one is a bit personal.

The World Central Kitchen, a humanitarian aid project created by an absolute saint named Chef Jose Andres, was created specifically to act as a mechanism to ensure that innocent people caught in the crossfire of warring ideologies and religions and all the worst parts of the human condition, could at least have enough nutrients to dodge bullets and bombs.

The seven that died in that particular strike are not the only ones either. Israel has killed an estimated 196 humanitarian aid workers in six months.

Killing humanitarian aid workers. They are killing humanitarian aid workers that left their normal lives to go to a violent and bloody conflict zone to feed starving people who were dying, and Israel used American made precision guided missiles to assassinate them.

A nation that needs to kill humanitarian aid workers is a nation that has no right to exist.

Israel has no right to exist. Not like this. They do not get to do this and continue to exist as a nation. This is inexcusable. This is inhumane. There is no God or Biblical Prophecy that justifies killing humanitarian aid workers. None. Zero.

It's time to answer the question about Israel and it's right to exist.

The answer is No, it does not.

It has lost the right to exist.

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